Foundations of Faith System


You absolutely must know these truths

To live as more than a conqueror, with peace and to glorify God with your life

Get equipped and empowered in your faith and live in victory!

In order to live with real victory, as more than a conqueror and in the peace that passes understanding, you need to have a rock solid foundation in the truth.

1. Know your God

If you don’t know who God says that He is, if you don’t have a clear understanding of His attributes, character and plans then you might find who you THINK He is far too small to help you with life.

If you don’t know God’s greatness, goodness, wisdom, power, love then you are worshiping a God that isn’t truly God.

To know God is the beginning of all wisdom and the more you know God the greater the peace and power and wisdom for living you will have. To know God is:

  • To know and live in joy.

  • To experience rest and peace no matter your circumstances.

  • To find meaning and purpose for every moment of life.

  • To have complete confidence that your life is not only controlled by God but lovingly

    guided by your Father and Savior and Friend for your eternal good.

Every day then becomes an opportunity for worship and faith and you can actually walk through that valley of the shadow of death and be comforted in His presence and His goodness and fear no evil.

There is an all-knowing, all-seeing God of the heavens and earth that has a plan for you. Millennia before you were born he had a plan, and millennia after your grandchildren pass away He will still have a plan. But, if you don’t know or don’t understand this then life today is going to be one constant challenge.

2. Know who you are in Christ

You are saved, go to church, are told that you are a new creation. You try to live a good Christian life and, yet,

you keep doing things that you don’t want to do.

Sound familiar?

Even Paul talked about not doing what he wanted to do and doing what he didn’t want to do. This is not a new problem but there is an answer.

This Ebook Will Answer These Questions And More:

  • If the truth sets you free why aren't you free?

  • Are you a sinner saved by grace?

  • Is your heart wicked and deceitful?

  • Is being a Christian about living a good life?

  • Is your heart prone to wander?

  • Are you powerless to keep from sinning?

  • Why shouldn't you be afraid of spiritual warfare?

Really Know What It Means To Be A New Creation

It is your source of power. It is your place of worship. It is where the Lord resides in you and so much more!

Learn to live in the freedom of the new creation.

You can learn what it means that you are a new creation and how to break free of doing the same old stuff you hate to truly live out the new person you are.

3. Know the Word of God

Sixty-six books written by forty authors in three different languages over a period of time of 1600 years on three different continents – this is the Bible.

There is Only One Story in the Bible

THE story is the person of God and His love and interaction with mankind as He brings eternal redemption through His Son Jesus Christ so that we might know Him and adore Him forever.

The Bible does make sense. It is not disjointed stories and people but one, amazing, magnificent plan of God!

You can know the Bible, be able to place characters and events accurately within the Bible and understand each person’s and event’s meaning and impact.

This is your story. This is your history and your future. Know it. Understand it.

Start right now to have the Bible explained and give God the glory for His wisdom, power and loving interaction with His creation.

4. Know your enemy

Ever wonder why you are struggling against sin, why you aren’t experiencing freedom and why it feels that you are in a constant battle?

It very well could be that you have lies in your belief system, and they are setting the course for your behavior and your life. We are being held captive to our belief of lies and that is why so many of us are not experiencing the freedom that Christ came to bring us.

If the truth sets you free then the lies must imprison you and the evil one will pleasure and pressure you with lies that will lock up your heart.

What You Believe, You Act Out and we see the results of the lies in our daily life:

  • Anxiety is at epidemic levels in even in the body of Christ

  • 49 million Americas are on Psychiatric Medications

  • Christian marriages are falling apart at a record rate

  • Pornography and sexual issues are prevalent in the church

  • Unhappiness, unrest, fear etc. permeate the body of Christ

  • Unethical, immoral, improper behavior for a child of God is showing itself daily in the church

There Is A War On And You Are Right In The Middle Of It.

The fight is for worship – either God Almighty or the evil one will receive it from you

The fight is over you and your ability to make an impact for the Kingdom of God

The tactics of the enemy are truth and lies. Know the truth and his lies will have no effect on you.

If we truly knew our God. If we really believed in what He had done in us. If we fully put on our new creation then everywhere we went we would have the power to defeat evil.

We could prosper anywhere, in any hardship and defeat him everywhere.

Here are the keys to your prison and then you can choose to use them to walk out in freedom.

Defeat the evil one at his own game.

Discover what lies you believe and how they are stealing your freedom in Christ.

You don’t have to live imprisoned. Christ came to set you free indeed no matter what the evil one wants.

The evil one is terrified that you will know the truth and walk in power over him.

You Need Solid Foundations so Your Faith is Unshakeable

1. Know exactly who God says that He is

2. Know what it is to be a New Creation and how to live it to the fullest

3. Understand the full picture of the Word.

4. Know your enemy and his tactics to try and steal, kill and destroy.

This isn't just a book, it is a full system to build your faith, your power in the Lord and your love for Him.

Here's What You're Getting

  • IS YOUR GOD TOO SMALL Start by knowing God, His character, His attributes, power, love and wisdom. Let this knowledge of the Holy One empower you for peace and joy.

  • NEW CREATION/SAME OLD STUFF Discover what it means to be and live as a new creation. What changed? Why hasn't it changed how you live your life? How to claim it and let it transform daily living.

  • THE BIBLE EXPLAINED When you finish this book you will understand God's big plan and the people, places and events He has used to bring that plan to life.

  • PLEASURED AND PRESSURED We live in a war zone. Your enemy wants to destroy you. Learn his tactics and how to protect yourself. Claim, and live, in victory.

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