Finally create a life you love every day.

This is your opportunity to change your life!

Heal your soul of the past wounds and painful memories that limit your life and affect your relationships.

Finally become who God designed you to be and love it! Come into your full design, your true identity and soar!

Live an intentional life that is powerful and fulfilling. Be enabled for a victorious life.

Ask Yourself what you really want

Women can be, should be, movers and shakers, callers to true holiness, and leading, working, and inspiring others to a life worthy of our great God.

Do you want this?

There are just some easily removed obstacles in the way of you living as the powerful monument of what God can do with a woman sold out to Him.

If you want, we can even work together just you and I. The Connected Heart Project is a way to change your life and claim your goals with personal and powerful help.

It's really just three steps to your best life in Christ:


Limping through life while dragging a painful past is not what God has intended for His daughters. Don't believe that you have to be a victim of your past. It's a lie. Counsel with me. This is not a years long endeavor. We work fast so that you can get back to life.


We live out an identity that was handed to us to wear. Strip off the old, small self and put on the joyful, powerful, amazing you that God always intended you to be. You will love being you, walking with the Lord and know how to connect in a deep and authentic way with others.


Guidance, mentoring, learning that actually impacts and improves your life. Be truly intentional about not settling for less than a full and growing life in Christ.

Every month become more of the person you have always wanted to be through books and courses designed to take your life to a whole new level.

Coaching Options

  • Work with me one on one through True Life Coaching


  • Join the Connected Heart Project group transformation



Counseling Options

  • You can work with me in a traditional, weekly counseling session.


  • You can heal trauma with me in a single weekend!




  • Self-led courses, ebooks and systems are available to work at your own pace.


  • Group study, courses, workshops and challenges to grow together.



All of This Happens In My Signature Program...

Change your life in weeks, not years!

Freedom from the past

Transform your life today

Grow into an incredible future

Discover the amazing, powerful woman you were always meant to be. If you are seeking a true mentor, life coach, counselor, spiritual director and guide for a successful Christian life then you have found her! We will transform your life in just three months together.

  • Finally, obtain your goals because you have been set free from those internal imitations that held you back...

  • See the full calling God has placed on you and be excited to fulfill it...

  • Think like the woman God thinks you are - able to do all He has called you to do with excellence...

  • Know how to break down your goals using my Life Success Method, so that they are detailed, obtainable, and exciting...

  • Rewrite your story into one that has “well done good and faithful servant” in the last chapter...

  • Be your own best friend and encourager, believing in yourself and your ability to convert dreams into reality...

  • Have healthy relationships with God, yourself, and others.


My experience working with Kim has been life changing to say the least. She has given me a new hope and a new perspective on life. She has taught me how to think the way that God would think, and has taught me skills to rewire the way that I think.

Kim has brought a happiness and self confidence back into my life that I didn’t think I could ever have again. She has shown me who our God really is, and how much he loves me. She has opened my eyes to see that there is still a beautiful life after trauma, and that Anxiety and Depression is not my identity. I will forever be grateful for Kim and everything she has taught me. She is truly an Angel here on Earth, and is changing lives forever.

My friends keep commenting on how different I am since the weekend breakthrough. I feel different too.

If I had known I could heal from my past in just a few days I would have done this years ago. Better late than never, right? Thank you, Kim. You have changed my entire future.


You were an answer to prayer and a BLESSING that by God's grace I will never forget and will always be thankful for.

Every so often I think of you and thank GOD for you in helping me in such a powerful way i.e. saving my life, helping me put my soul back together and supporting me thru such a brutal time of suffering in my life.


God is so good and Dr. Kim is an amazing counselor.

I walked into the weekend intensive with the weight of the world on my shoulders and walked out free as a bird.


If where you are right now isn't amazing and wonderful and you aren't living the powerful, full life in Christ He died to give to you, then I invite you to join us. We are women that love the Lord and want the freedom to love Him more.

Are you ready?

I can't wait to work with you!