Become the Powerful Christian Woman you are called to be

Let’s remove every internal obstacle so you move into your calling with Competence and Confidence.

Does This Sound Like You?

You know you are called to lead but...

Your Inner Limitations Keep You Playing Small.

Self-sabotage, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, people pleasing, shame, addiction, self-neglect, codependency and more are a part of your daily life.

Wouldn't you love to break free of all of that so that you can fully live your calling?

Abuse, trauma and dysfunctional relationships leave scars on our souls that won't heal on their own. Add to this the trust issues that come with them and feeling whole and normal again can seem like a fantasy rather than a real possibility. This doesn't have to be your life going forward.

There is a way to step out of your past and into your true design!

This is What Waits for You...

  • Fully heal your past...

  • Strip off the old, limiting identity...

  • Your new, true identity is embraced and worn with honor...

  • Know and embrace how God has designed you...

  • Confidently step into your purpose with Christ.

Now you will become the leader you truly are.

Step 1. Heal Your Trauma

we have all experienced one of the 3 kinds of trauma...

First, there is the trauma of just living in a fallen world with an inherited fallen nature.

Next, there is Type A trauma from neglect, abandonment, unhealthy relationships and being treated as less than or not enough - especially in the church.

Lastly, there is the Type B trauma of big events - abuse, sickness, war, accidents, deaths and more.

We have all lived through some form of trauma and it has deeply disconnected us from God, ourselves and others.

Unhealed trauma will stunt your leadership abilities.

Step 2. Reclaim Your God-Designed Identity

strip off the old you so you can put on the new...

  • have and live an unshakeable identity

  • be comfortable in your own skin, your own uniqueness and a determination to live out every bit of it.

  • be the totality of your design and rock the world with it.

  • embrace your true self and be unapologetically you

  • have an unyielding confidence in who God designed you to be.

  • own your individuality and never doubt your calling

  • walk through life with a certainty that what you are called to do must be shared with the world.

  • live free from limitations and love yourself enough to live freely in Christ.

  • have an indomitable spirit that cannot be broken, and embrace your calling with boldness

Step 3. Step Into Your Calling

No apology. No asking for permission...

You were made to lead.

God called you to serve Him. It will look different for each of us, but the call is the same.

Let's empower you to believe in yourself and your abilities.

It is time to step up and answer His call. You can move from trauma to testimony.

Let go of the paradigms that have held you back.

"The Connected Heart Project has completely changed the paradigm of my life and my ability to see where I actually stand with God, in His warm, loving arms, cherishing His darling daughter. I can hardly remember what it was like to see Him differently.

The shift is real, lasting, powerful!”


I believe YOU can be released to a life where you are healed of all trauma, crazy in love with a new you AND equipped to glorify God in leadership.

Be Fully Healed

I've helped over a thousand women be fully healed from trauma memories. Then, pain is in the past. Shame just a memory and the peace of Christ reigns in your heart.

Be Made Whole

Women just like you have reclaimed their true identity that had been hidden under their past. When that happens, you love being you. You are comfortable in your own skin and delight in His design.

Be Set Free to live the Real You

Now, you discover your God-given design, strengths and purpose. You will know who and why you are and design a real plan for a life with purpose and passion. This is a new, powerful, joy-filled life!

There is a whole different life waiting for you!

You deserve a big life to match your big God

This is bespoke guided, transformational counseling, coaching and spiritual direction that takes you from a small life to one that fits you perfectly.

  • Finally, obtain your goals because you have been set free from those internal imitations that held you back

  • See the full calling God has placed on you and be excited to fulfill it

  • Think like the woman God thinks you are - able to do all He has called you to do with excellence

  • Know how to break down your goals using my Life Success Method, so that they are detailed, obtainable and exciting

  • Rewrite your story into one that has “well done good and faithful servant” in the last chapter

  • Be your own best friend and encourager, believing in yourself and your ability to convert dreams into reality

  • Have healthy relationships with God, yourself and others

I've been there...

Deeply hurt, feeling like an imposter in my own life, wanting more but not sure I deserved it.

I needed to be enabled to let go of the past and believe that not only was there a great future ahead but that I had the power to make it happen.

The Lord brought me complete healing. He helped me to claim His design for me. He gave me a purpose and a path.

Now, for over two decades I have helped women like you claim the same empowered living.

ReConnect Your Heart, Life and Relationships

  • Know and like who you are

  • Have a relationship with Christ that you only dreamed was possible

  • Create healthy life-giving relationships

  • Life a life that fits you perfectly


Great! I know just how to do this.

I will show you how to break free of your limitations and finally see the path forward.

You’ll feel so comfortable in your own skin that you will love being you!

We will rebuild your heart, removing what doesn’t belong in you and filling in the gaps with confidence and truth.

And the new, true you will create the success you want and make the impact on the world, and eternity, just as you are called to do.

"Dr. Kim's calm, grounding presence in my life has been monumental - her voice echoes in my mind throughout the day, reminding me of who I am in Christ. I'm so grateful for her mentorship.

Who knew that the voices of our past can weigh us down today and keep us from growth in the future? I was surprised to discover lies that I'd believed about God & myself that were keeping me stuck.

Dr. Kim doesn't just expose the lies - she acts as a guide to uproot them and move forward in freedom!

I've loved being a part of a community of like-minded women who have a common goal: we want to be transformed by Jesus!

I feel valued and cared for in this group. The Connected Heart Project is a safe place to share and learn together, and I'm so grateful I 'took the plunge' and signed up!"

– Rebekah

"I not only discovered the truth about myself but also experienced, freedom, peace, and encouragement for a future full of HOPE! It is incredible how that transformation happened so quickly with full resolve!

Who the Son sets free is truly FREE indeed!

Thank you Dr. Kim for transforming my life for the better and all those who I will come in contact with!!"


"My experience with working with Kim has been life-changing to say the least. As someone who has struggled for many years with depression and anxiety, she has given me a new hope and a new perspective on life. She has taught me how to think the way that God would think and has taught me skills to rewire the way that I think.

Kim has brought a happiness and self-confidence back into my life that I didn’t think I could ever have again.

She has shown me who our God really is, and how much he loves me. She has opened my eyes to see that there is still a beautiful life after trauma, and that anxiety and depression is not my identity.

I will forever be grateful for Kim and everything she has taught me.

She is truly an Angel here on Earth, and is changing lives forever."

– Nicole

Full trauma healing

I've been doing what others say is impossible for over two decades... completely healing memories of trauma quickly and completely

Claim your real identity

Then we rebuild your fractured foundations from the ground up giving you a solid, I love who I am identity in Christ that you can build a masterpiece upon.

Unlock your World

Live in and with Christ without asking for permission or giving apology. Whatever He has designed for you, you will be ready and able to move into it freely.

Tailored to You!

You and I are going to work closely together, one on one, for three full months.

Since I only work with 4 women per quarter, I get to address what YOU need to live a life you absolutely love and I'm going to make sure you get it.

Healing trauma specific to YOUR life

Rebuilding YOUR identity

Discovering YOUR full design

Empowering YOU to be the God-called leader you are!

Together we will create a new life plan filled with purpose and passion and that fits YOU perfectly!

Join the Connected Heart Project

Invest 3 months in a full life transformation

Pay in Full

One time payment of $4800

Payment Plan

Three payments of $1600

You can live a big life that you love!

No matter what life has thrown at you, no matter what you may have done, you have a God that is absolutely ready to transform your life! I have never seen him fail to heal and restore a woman who is ready to work with Him and me to claim their life in Him.


How much time will I have to invest?

Watch, read and interact with the modules at your pace. In addition, we will meet biweekly for 3 hours to go deep in healing and restoration.

What if I have questions during the week?

You have private, daily access to me through email and text. I'll be pouring my life into yours at the level you need.

How do I know I will get value for this investment?

Well, it depends on you. If you invest yourself in the Connected Heart Project there is no possible way that you won’t transform your life, relationship and yourself. But, you get out what you put in as in all things. Of course, I’ll be checking in on you to ensure that we are doing all we can from our side to help you get all you can from our time together.

“Is there a payment option?”

Yes! You can make three payments of $1600. Contact me if you need to discuss additional payment options.

“How long until I see results?”

Some that have been through CHP have seen huge results from day one. Each week you will experience big ah-ha moments as well as take in truth that you and Christ can process together. By the end of our time together, you will be transformed.

“I have questions. Is there some way to talk with you about them?”

Absolutely. Here’s how. Go to, book a time for us to talk and I’ll answer all your questions. I’ll also tell you of our amazing God and what He can do for you through CHP.

Want to know more?

Let me send you information on the Connected Heart Project that will change your life!

1. Be Healed

2. Be Whole

3. Be Free

When you have HEALED your hurts, become WHOLE in your identity in Christ, and made FREE to live out who you were always meant to be now you are equipped and empowered to live out a powerful life in Christ.

All my materials and programs are designed to help you gain mastery in these three elements, using tools and strategies I've developed over decades so you can...