
Transform your life each day.

Powerful and practical teaching for an eternity-impacting life in Christ.

Choose a system or just an ebook and get intentional about your life in Christ.



Unveiling Satan's Strategy

to Divide God's People

What if from the garden until today, deception from the evil one has been the driving force of conflict between men and women? His first tactic of deception worked with Eve, what if it is working on Adam today? And, what it that is causing the church to be weak and unable to fight for the Kingdom and against the evil one?

Available on Amazon

Paperback and Kindle versions

THE DEVOTED DAILY - Weekly Devotional


Learn to Live the Treasures of Scripture Daily

Transform Your Heart, Mind and Soul with the Power of His Word

Our emailed devotionals are designed to be quick to read but transforming for the heart so that you can easily access and apply the power of God’s Word to your everyday life.

Weekly devotional with daily guided meditations and journal.

4 Life Transforming Systems

or Individual ebooks available



This is a full, life transforming system that will set you free from worry, anxiety and fear!

Live a life of peace.

This system reaches deep into the causes of anxiety, teaches you how it takes on a life of its own, and how to stop it in its tracks.

You will learn how to control those racing thoughts, how to calm the body, stop the fear, and silence the inner bully that keeps sabotaging you.

Becoming free of anxiety sounds amazing but this is an added bonus – you will come away knowing Christ in a deeper and more intimate way.

Your faith will come alive.

Your understanding of the Lord will be greater and your relationship with Him real and personal.

"Calm Your Body So You Can Calm Your Mind" is a bonus that includes 21 professional videos that make this whole system work. Watch a video to calm your body and now your mind is able to absorb and put into practice what will set you free from fear. Watch or listen to calm your body throughout the day or listen to the audio version.


It's Your Life in Christ

Live it for Him without Apology

Live with others without apology and keep God first in a life that is balanced, healthy and whole.

No apologies are necessary when you have Christ as your main focus and guide.

Stop being a door mat

Be free of putting yourself last

No longer feel guilty for taking care of yourself

Finally, own your own life


You absolutely must know these truths

Get equipped and empowered

  • Know your God

  • Know yourself in Christ

  • Know His Word

  • Know your enemy

Now, you are ready to live a life with the joy of His presence, the peace that passes understanding and prepared for every attack.

Give yourself the gift of an unshakeable faith.


This is a decision to get serious about a

with-God life

Intentional movement in your spiritual life

In our busy world, we fit God in rather than make Him our main focus. With this package, you will find the world's grip on you lessen and your life with Christ sweeten.

This is where your life becomes the one you always wanted but didn't know how to create.



Christ heals trauma memories permanently, completely, and quickly

When the pain gets in the way.

Why are you stuck? It started way back in childhood.

You received negative messages about yourself that you took in as true. This formed an identity that is not who you are but that you live out each day. Like a rudder in the water it set your course.

In "Take Back Your Life," I will expose how these messages wrote an untrue story that keeps you playing small and from living the amazing, powerful life you are supposed to have. Let me show you how the past steals your present and how to take back your life forever.

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Live with a new peace

There is a voice inside that is your enemy. Every day it speaks words that discourage, belittle, frustrate and ensure that you feel not good enough and even like a failure.

Had enough of being bullied every day?

You can not only silence this bully, you can learn to replace it with a mind that encourages you, supports you and even is loving toward you. Just 10 days is all it takes.

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Get your copy for only $12.00


Uncover God’s big story and your place in it

Sixty-six books written by forty authors in three different languages over a period of time of 1600 years on three different continents – this is the Bible.

Do you wish you could have the bible explained so that all of this fits together and you understood the big picture as well as the details?

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Get your copy for only $12.00


The essential guide to a Christian life that works

Life today is so much more complicated and fast paced than it was just a generation ago.

Balancing Act will enable you to take a good look at the different areas of your life AND directly work with the Lord to start making changes that will bring your life into balance.

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Get your copy for only $12.00


For Christian women who want to own their life in Christ

Most of us have read books on boundaries and still do not know how to set them effectively. And, when we have tried to set boundaries we can feel, and are sometimes told, that we are selfish for doing so.

By the time you finish this book you will know exactly what, when, where, why, and how to set boundaries. AND, you are going to feel great doing it.

Get your copy for only $12.00


Your guide to a powerful knowledge of God and a deep relationship with Him

Good happens every day and every day evil rears its ugly head. But is your God too small to handle it? Is He not enough when you need Him most?

If you don’t know who God says that He is, if you don’t have a clear understanding of His attributes, character, and plans, then you might find who you THINK He is far too small to help you with life.

If you don’t know God’s greatness, goodness, wisdom, power, and love, then you are worshiping a God that isn’t truly God.

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Discover the lies used to separate you from God and the truth that sets you free

Ever wonder why you are struggling against sin, why you aren’t experiencing freedom, and why it feels that you are in a constant battle?

It very well could be that you have lies in your belief system and they are setting the course for your behavior and your life. We are being held captive to our belief of lies and that is why so many of us are not experiencing the freedom that Christ came to bring us.

If the truth sets you free, then the lies must imprison you and the evil one will pleasure and pressure you with lies that will lock up your heart.

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How to transform your old ways and live as the amazing new you

You are saved, go to church, are told that you are a new creation. You try to live a good Christian life and, yet, you keep doing things that you don’t want to do. Sound familiar?

Even Paul talked about not doing what he wanted to do and doing what he didn’t want to do. This is not a new problem but there is an answer.

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Daily with-God living

Practicing the presence of God is a simple spiritual discipline that can change your life and your relationship with God! Just as being with someone you love is sweet and exciting and peaceful, so it can be with you and the Lord.

You CAN learn a new way to live before God.

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Real conversation with God

You can study about Scripture, you can learn about theology, historical and cultural references, and even ancient languages, but it is only the interaction of the Word of God itself in our hearts and minds that brings deep, lasting, eternal change in us.

As in every relationship, there is listening and talking, silence and reflection, and it is the same here as we enter into a dialogue with Christ through His Word.

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Making space for God

Our lives feel cluttered, busy, overwhelming. We can’t seem to make them slow down so we can find a place to rest.

We long for simplicity but don’t know where to start, and so we keep running from the time we get up until we go to bed.

Finding Simplicity in life means finding peace and rest and no longer being owned by this world and its desires.

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Come away with God

Another day has ended and you meant to spend time with God, but the day was so busy. Maybe you even fit a devotion or Bible reading in but never had the time to just sit and be with God. You didn’t feel that you really connected with God. Something is missing.

Get Rid of the Static and Hear the Heart of God in Silence and Solitude

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Peaceful Passage

The essential guide to navigating the emotional storms and daily logistics of an an-home end-of-life journey

Caring for a loved one who is dying at home is an extraordinary experience and an amazing privilege.

It is also a journey with a known destination that we deny right up until we reach its shores. We know it is coming and are surprised when it actually arrives. We long for it to be over and dread that it actually will. It is a sacred, amazing and, sometimes frightening passage.

And, now, you are about to take this journey with your loved one.

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Get your paperback copy for $15.50 (includes shipping)

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