
Simplifying your life makes room for God to move. Simplicity is a spiritual discipline. It places Christ at the center of life and as the treasure.

Price: $12 USD


Our lives feel cluttered, busy, overwhelming. We can’t seem to make them slow down so we can find a place to rest.

We long for simplicity but don’t know where to start and so we keep running from the time we get up until we go to bed.

Finding Simplicity in life means finding peace and rest and no longer being owned by this world and its desires.We just need a bit of help, some direction, and some encouragement to start to simplify our lives.

Learning to live simply is not only about changing how we live with our possessions but also our finances, our time, our relationships, our bodies, minds, emotions and our spirits.

Make Space For God In Your Heart And Life

Simplifying your life makes room for God to move. Simplicity is a spiritual discipline. It places Christ at the center of life and as the treasure.

In this spiritual discipline of Simplicity you will learn, one day at a time, to start to take back your life. You will see how to simplify your environment, time, relationships, thinking, possessions, emotions, body and finances and to have all of them centered in your life in Christ.

You can learn how to do this and make space for God in your heart and life. I’ve written an ebook to help you do just that. The stress and pressure of too much in too many areas will start to be removed as you read through the ebook and apply what you learn.

What you will begin to have is life with Christ that is freer, healthier, and alive with joy.

This Ebook Will Be The Friend You Needed To Reclaim Your Life

Looking for a daily devotional to help you focus on gaining a simple life?

Need a workbook to help you process and plan and remove obstacles to a simpler life?

Want a devotional AND help putting a simple life in place?

You found it. This devotional/workbook will guide you for 21 days. Slowly, incrementally you will take back your life.

If you order the workbook you will have it available to you in minutes. It is designed to help you really think through the many areas of your life and to help you bring simplicity to them.

With the additional help you will start to get a handle on your life and find the simplicity that will help you to breathe easier. You are starting a journey that will simplify your life, make more room for God’s presence, and bring you rest.

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If you have downloaded any of the files from the order, refunds will not be accepted. If your ebook has never been downloaded, we are more than happy to refund you.

I want you to live the freedom that Christ came and died to give you. I want you to be able to walk, not as a defeated Christian, but as a victorious, powerful follower of Christ.

This is why I wrote this book, why I write all my books.

If you have trouble with your purchase, we offer extensive help by us to make sure you are happy!

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