This is your opportunity to change your life!

Heal your soul of the past wounds and painful memories that limit your life and affect your relationships.

Learn to live a life you love!

Remove the obstacles to a joyful, powerful life in Christ

Counseling heals the heart, mind and soul so you can live the life Christ died to give you

Painful memories, relationship issues, anxiety, depression and more keep us from experiencing the love of God and keep us at odds with ourselves and others.

I have been helping my Christian sisters to find real, permanent healing and help for their lives for over two decades.

We can transform your life while drawing you closer to the Lord.

Counseling shouldn't be a long process. Every session you will experience real healing and gain true freedom. My goal is to get out of counseling as quickly as possible. You have a life to live!

You don't have to stay stuck or in pain. We can work together to heal your heart and set you free.

We GET so good at limping through each day.

We tough it out and keep pushing on when all it would take is for us to say that we really do need help and then get it.

  • Imagine what your life would be like with your anxiety gone?

  • What would it feel like to not have painful memories come to mind?

  • Would you like to live without depression, frustration and feeling overwhelmed?

The decision to grab hold of a healed, joyful life is yours.

It is okay to need help for a time so that you can live your life without limitations. I'd love to help you.

Two Types of Counseling

Most of us only need short term individual Christian counseling to resolve those issues that are interfering with our daily lives. Relationship issues, anxiety, depression and more can also be healed quickly and completely. Let's get it done so that you can get back to your life.

But, if you have significant trauma or abuse memories we can permanently and completely heal them in a weekend.

This intensive counseling isn't for everyone but for those that want to heal quickly to be freed from their past then I suggest a Weekend Breakthrough. Seriously, one weekend and the pain is gone.

We will need a consultation to discuss whether this is how God wants to bring you His healing. Learn more about a Weekend Breakthrough here.

My friends keep commenting on how different I am since the weekend breakthrough. I feel different too.

If I had known I could heal from my past in just a few days I would have done this years ago. Better late than never, right? Thank you, Kim. You have changed my entire future.


You were an answer to prayer and a BLESSING that by God's grace I will never forget and will always be thankful for.

Every so often I think of you and thank GOD for you in helping me in such a powerful way i.e. saving my life, helping me put my soul back together and supporting me thru such a brutal time of suffering in my life.


God is so good and Dr. Kim is an amazing counselor.

I walked into the weekend intensive with the weight of the world on my shoulders and walked out free as a bird.



If where you are right now isn't amazing and wonderful and you aren't living the powerful, full life in Christ He died to give to you, then I invite you to claim it. Book an appointment with me and let's heal your heart, discover how loved you are and get you freed to live without internal obstacles.

Are you ready?


My experience working with Kim has been life changing to say the least. She has given me a new hope and a new perspective on life. She has taught me how to think the way that God would think, and has taught me skills to rewire the way that I think.

Kim has brought a happiness and self confidence back into my life that I didn’t think I could ever have again. She has shown me who our God really is, and how much he loves me. She has opened my eyes to see that there is still a beautiful life after trauma, and that Anxiety and Depression is not my identity. I will forever be grateful for Kim and everything she has taught me. She is truly an Angel here on Earth, and is changing lives forever.

I can't wait to work with you!