
Life System

Live your life without apology, fully before God and with balance.

Are you tired of others running your life?

You are supposed to live to please God, not what others want.

Most of us have a difficult time setting boundaries let alone not feeling guilty when we do. And, how in the world do we stop living to please others when our hearts just want to please God?

What if I showed you exactly how to set boundaries in a God-honoring and zero guilt producing way? Interested?

Set Guilt-Free Boundaries

Once you know the secret for setting boundaries, you will set them happily, whole heartedly and with an internal freedom. No apologies necessary. Your boundaries come directly from the life of the Lord.

I taught this live and the women in the class were astonished at how easy it is to own your life when you have the permission and the process.

If you've had others walk all over your wishes...

If you have felt nothing but guilt when you have set boundaries...

If you frequently let others cross your boundary lines...

If you just want to live the life Christ died to give you and don't know how to do it..

Then, let me help you!

This will truly empower you to own your own life with no apologies, no guilt and will real freedom.

Healthy Self-Love in a Narcissistic World

We live in the selfie generation. When did life become all about ME? I personally find it gross and immoral. Not to mention how dishonoring it is to God.

So, how does one love oneself without crossing over into narcississm?

It truly is simple and this ebook is going to give you true clarity.

You are supposed to love yourself. You just need to do it in the way the Lord wants, that keeps Him the main love of your life, that continues boundaries with others and that brings you peace.

Yup, this book is going to do all of that.

Break Free of People Pleasing

There are a lot of reasons and ways that we get into the habit of people pleasing. It is a lot harder to break free of it.

People pleasing is an area that I find most of us need help. Breaking free starts with seeing just how much we have become a slave to the opinions of others. Then, we need directions and steps to break free of this prison.

Once you get your life back from people pleasing you live for the approval of God (which you already have, by the way) and what others' think of you has less and less impact on your life and thinking.

There truly is joy and freedom in living with others at the level ground at the foot of the cross.

Find Stability in our Tilted World

Balancing Act, will enable you to take a good look at the different areas of your life AND directly work with the Lord to start making changes that will bring your life into balance.

It's A Tilted World - Here's A Guide To Stability

Balancing Act, will enable you to take a good look at the different areas of your life AND directly work with the Lord to start making changes that will bring your life into balance.

  • Keys to define balance from a Christian perspective

  • Tools to identify what is out of balance in your life

  • Steps in your hands that will help you to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord

This book is filled with Christ-centered strategies, tools, and insight from my years of experience helping people find their lives and days in Christ.

Here Are The Nine Areas Of Life That I Teach You To Balance:

  • “Spiritual Growth” to grow deeper and more powerfully in Christ

  • “Personal Development” will focus on personal changes you need right now

  • “Your Environments” helps you to organize and find rest

  • “Career” focuses in on the best one for you

  • “Family and Friends” will help you set good, healthy boundaries

  • “Finances” will change your relationship with money

  • “Intimate Relationships” shows you how they are your best way to grow

  • “Health and Self-care” is the difference between selfish and self-care

  • “Kingdom Life” get the big, big picture for your life so you know your purpose

Each area has a devotional to help you center in with God and get focused.

Then you will find information, graphs, tools, exercises and more that will guide you, get you thinking and help you see new paths and new ways to bring balance to your life.

One more thing you will be given the opportunity to interact with God on what you learn and to bring you closer to Him. And isn’t that what life is all about anyway?

This is a full system to build your faith, your power in the Lord and your love for Him.

Here's What You're Getting...

  • SELF GUILT-FREE BOUNDARIES Once you know the secret for setting boundaries, you will set them happily, whole heartedly and with an internal freedom.

  • HEALTHY SELF-LOVE You are supposed to love yourself. You just need to do it the way the Lord wants, that keeps Him the main love of your life, that continuous boundaries with others and that brings you peace.

  • BREAK FREE OF PEOPLE PLEASING Once you get your life back from people pleasing you live for the approval of God and what others' think of you has less and less impact on your life and thinking.

  • FIND STABILITY IN OUR TILTED WORLD Balancing Act will enable you to take a good look at the different areas of your life and directly work with the Lord to start making changes that will bring your life into balance.

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