
Big Life Living

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Limiting beliefs: how to break free from limitations blog cover

Limiting Beliefs: How to Break Free from Limitations

April 26, 20234 min read

You are not limited by your circumstances; you're limited by your beliefs. I know a lot of people who are too stuck in their lives. They have big dreams, but they're held back by their old beliefs. I'm going to tell you how to break free from those limitations and achieve anything you want in life. Are you ready?

Our beliefs dictate the course of our lives

We live out exactly what we think about life and about ourselves. If we think what is not true about ourselves, then we live a lie. It creates incredible limitations so that we can't reach our goals and dreams. For example, if I'm thinking, “I'm not enough”, I will procrastinate because of the conviction that I'm not enough, and I will actively live out self-sabotage, anxiety, codependency, and shame. Therefore, no matter what I claim I want, that belief is like a rudder in the water, and it's going to steer me in a certain direction, and then I'll wonder why it's so hard to reach my goals.

The key to making a change in your life is really simple: changing your beliefs. What holds us back is really internal, not external. Yes, there are voices that come at us from the outside, and they can influence and affect us in ways that cause us to believe lies about ourselves. But when we have a solid belief in who God made us to be and we actually know who that is and what He has called us to do, the outside has a really limited effect on us because we have changed our internal dialogue.

You can change your beliefs by taking action and proving to yourself that you are enough. Now we take action by challenging the status quo. When I think I am really not enough, I ask myself, "Really? Prove that. Where did I get that idea? Who told me that?” If I have a thought such as, I always mess up, and I challenge that, "Is that true? Has there been a time when I haven't messed up?" I start to go back in time and think, "Where did I pick up this idea, this lie?"

When you change your beliefs, you open up a whole world of possibilities for yourself. So imagine your life without an inner bully telling you what you can't do, what you should and shouldn't do, how you won't achieve your dreams, how you're not enough, and how you constantly make mistakes. Imagine the freedom now, with a mind that encourages you, supports you, and believes in you.

What will you do when that opens up? What have you dreamed about that could be possible when you don't have internal limitations holding you back? It's great to sit and think about it for a while. You can be fearless in the pursuit of your dreams and goals when there is nothing stopping you. Not even yourself!

We are fearless when what we want is greater than the possibility of failure. We pursue it all out when the goal is big, and we feel it deep inside. For many of us, that call is to be free. When we are ready, the obstacles will be removed. We can be set free to move and create an impact. Does any of this resonate with you? Do you feel this call to be fully you and want to know how to live it out?

Need help?

Well, let me tell you, if you have a weekend, just a weekend, we can heal trauma, abuse, painful memories, and a lot of internal blocks. Seriously, we have a 100% guarantee that we can take care of that. If you have three months, we can transform your life and get you fully healed and free. And then rebuild your foundations in such a way that it unleashes the powerful you that has been ready to emerge and clears the path to your success.

Motivation is a new way to life—a new life that you actually want rather than being held back. I'm Dr. Kim West, and I would love to talk with you about what is holding you back from living the big life that Christ has called you to. I want to talk to you about how to claim His healing and His freedom.

If this resonates with you, book a consultation. I want to hear about your dreams and goals. I want to hear what is holding you back and how we can get you healed, whole, and free so that you can reach those goals and live out those dreams. I take on just two clients per month. Are you one of them? If so, book a consultation. Let me tell you what God can do. There is a whole amazing, wonderful, powerful, joy-filled, free life waiting for you. I can't wait for you to claim it.

If you have any questions, email me at [email protected].

Free Resource
Ever wonder what might be holding you back from reaching your goal? Grab your free eBook and find out why. Download

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Dr. Kim West

I’ve been doing what others say can’t be done for two decades – completely and permanently healing trauma, abuse and mental roadblocks quickly and easily. No years of therapy. No tolerable recovery, just removing all obstacles to success.

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The Lord heals completely, permanently, and quickly.

Years of therapy are not necessary. You can experience the peace of God instead of the pain of the past in just days - not years.

The results from a Weekend Breakthrough are complete, immediate, and permanent. No more limping through life. Once the painful memories have been processed, they are forever resolved.

For my clients, that has meant that their painful memories:
✓ hold no more power to disrupt daily life...
✓are not causing limitations in thinking that keep them playing small...
✓are no longer stopping them from enjoying success...
✓hold no more shame...
✓they feel at peace with what once caused heartache...

✓they are truly healed, whole, and free of past, painful memories.


Every day I wake up so grateful and aware of His intimate presence in my life! Now I no longer feel I have to look over my shoulder & wonder if I'm "doing enough" or "being enough" to please Him. God gets all the praise and glory for the work He has done. It's amazing to live in Joy!

  • Julie


Your writing style, love for God, and knowledge truly sparked a part of me that had been running quite dry.

Just wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated and my prayers are with you.



I'm still stunned. Those memories that haunted me don't bother me at all now. Instead, when I do think about them, and it isn't often, I just feel the peace of Christ.

I am forever grateful for what Dr. West has done for me. I am healed and free!



Just one weekend and you can lose the anxiety, fears, wounds, guilt, sadness, and obstacles that have kept you from truly living free.


When a full weekend intensive is too much, often

one full day intensive is perfect. One follow up session

is also included.