
Big Life Living

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What is the Purpose of Christian Counseling?

May 23, 20232 min read

Do you know the true purpose of Christian counseling? Yes, it heals your heart. Yes, it fixes those parts of you, your mind, and your soul that are broken. That's mostly what people think of when they go to counseling. They also think that it's great for fixing relationship problems and helping you to know how to live with boundaries, how to get along with people, how to survive your job, etc.

But that's not the reason for counseling. The real reason for Christian counseling is to remove every obstacle inside or outside of you that keeps you from connecting with Christ. In Christian counseling, we're destroying the lies that you believe have been told to you or that you've adopted over the years about who you are and why you are. As those are destroyed, you get to finally join Christ in loving yourself.

In Christian counseling, we are adopting how God sees us and beginning to actually love who we are and how he designed us. And then, after counseling, when the obstacles are removed, we are free to be who God has called us to be and who we've always wanted to be.

Counseling is like a construction zone; we are tearing down the old, removing what is broken and what isn't working, and rebuilding you into someone that you really like, someone that you actually admire, and someone that you can love. So that means you can love your neighbor as yourself, as we're commanded to do. Because if I don't love me, I'm going to have a hard time loving you. So we rebuild a new, amazing, empowered you. That's what Christian counseling does. I just wanted you to know.

Need help?

Heal your soul from past wounds and painful memories. Book a counseling session with me.

Discover how you can heal your trauma and abuse memories in just one weekend.

If you have any questions, email me at [email protected].

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Dr. Kim West

I’ve been doing what others say can’t be done for two decades – completely and permanently healing trauma, abuse and mental roadblocks quickly and easily. No years of therapy. No tolerable recovery, just removing all obstacles to success.

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The Lord heals completely, permanently, and quickly.

Years of therapy are not necessary. You can experience the peace of God instead of the pain of the past in just days - not years.

The results from a Weekend Breakthrough are complete, immediate, and permanent. No more limping through life. Once the painful memories have been processed, they are forever resolved.

For my clients, that has meant that their painful memories:
✓ hold no more power to disrupt daily life...
✓are not causing limitations in thinking that keep them playing small...
✓are no longer stopping them from enjoying success...
✓hold no more shame...
✓they feel at peace with what once caused heartache...

✓they are truly healed, whole, and free of past, painful memories.


Every day I wake up so grateful and aware of His intimate presence in my life! Now I no longer feel I have to look over my shoulder & wonder if I'm "doing enough" or "being enough" to please Him. God gets all the praise and glory for the work He has done. It's amazing to live in Joy!

  • Julie


Your writing style, love for God, and knowledge truly sparked a part of me that had been running quite dry.

Just wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated and my prayers are with you.



I'm still stunned. Those memories that haunted me don't bother me at all now. Instead, when I do think about them, and it isn't often, I just feel the peace of Christ.

I am forever grateful for what Dr. West has done for me. I am healed and free!



Just one weekend and you can lose the anxiety, fears, wounds, guilt, sadness, and obstacles that have kept you from truly living free.


When a full weekend intensive is too much, often

one full day intensive is perfect. One follow up session

is also included.