Heal trauma and abuse memories in just one weekend. Find out how


Welcome to Your Next Phase of Life

Move on to a life you want and love

Welcome to Your Next Phase of Life

Move on to a life you want and love

A new phase of life needs a new, improved you

When we leave one phase of life, the old memories, patterns, hurts and triggers can come with us. That means that even though we are trying to move on, we are still dragging the past with us.

If you really want a different life, a better life going forward, you have to divorce yourself from the past first. Yes, it is a bit of work but when it's done you will have a new life - one that you will absolutely love.

Here's how you will know if your past is still ruling your present:

You find yourself trapped in a cycle of repeating patterns, unable to break free

These patterns stem from deeply ingrained habits of thought and heart, often rooted in past trauma, toxic relationships, and the nagging voice of the inner bully.

Change the underlying beliefs that keep you stuck in these patterns and you can create new patterns that propel you towards where you truly want to be.

My approach is rooted in empowering you to identify and address the core reasons behind your repetitive behaviors.

Your inner bully is stealing your peace

The voices of those who have hurt us, the painful experiences that we have had and the terrible things we have said to ourselves have joined together to create the abuser in our minds. This tormentor reminds us constantly of just how less than and insignificant we are.

It's time to take back control and silence its destructive influence once and for all.

You deserve to live a life filled with worth, peace, and joy. It's time to reclaim your authentic self, free from the torment of negative self-talk and past hurts.

You self-sabotage and procrastinate

Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of self-sabotage and procrastination? It's a common struggle that often stems from deep-rooted feelings of unworthiness.

When we believe that we are not deserving of anything good, we become afraid that failure will expose our perceived brokenness and inadequacy, leading us to hide our true selves.

This hidden shame within our souls can wreak havoc on our lives, robbing us of success and replacing it with failure. It convinces us not to even try, keeping us stuck in a cycle of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. But there is a way to break free from this destructive pattern.

My mission is to help you see your true, eternal value and release the chains that hold you back so you can step into a life of purpose and fulfillment.

By recognizing and embracing your inherent worth, you can silence the voice of self-doubt and fear. You'll begin to believe in yourself and your abilities, paving the way for genuine transformation and a life you love.

See your true, eternal worth and you won't be held back any longer.

Trauma and Abuse Memories Steal Our Lives, Our Souls, Our Dreams

BE HEALED - Break free from the past

The symptoms of this are evident:

Self-sabotage, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, people pleasing, shame, addiction, approval seeking, self-neglect, codependency and more.

Abuse, trauma and dysfunctional relationships leave scars on our souls that won't heal on their own. Add to this the trust issues that come with them and feeling whole and normal again can feel like a fantasy rather than a real possibility.

This doesn't have to be your life going forward.

Your broken heart can be reconnected

God excels in doing the impossible

Nothing is too difficult for God. He heals the brokenhearted and sets the captives free - completely, permanently and with restored joy.

You are not too broken. It is not too late. It can feel that you are in too many pieces, too confused, too uncertain or your next step. That is only a feeling. The truth is that real restoration is not only possible but is waiting for you. It matters that YOU regain yourself and love your life. You are worth it no matter what the voice in your head tells you.

A healed, whole and free you is yours when you are ready.

BE FREE - Equipped and Empowered

I found it myself

I've been there. I've come out of trauma and abuse so broken that I didn't know who I was. I felt completely lost, diminished, numb. But. I found my way back. I know the way home and I can show you just as I have hundreds of other women.

Together I can help you to be restored, confident and powerful. The hurt, the living from survival mode, the codependency and the disorganized thinking will turn to clarity, direction and being unapologetically a you that you love being.

You will create a life that fits you, isn't dependent upon what anyone but God thinks and that is a true transformation into the woman of God you were always meant to be.

You are so worth reclaiming, celebrating and rising up.

But, this is what is waiting for you...

  • have and live an unshakeable identity.

  • be comfortable in your own skin, your own uniqueness and a determination to live out every bit of it.

  • be the totality of your design and rock the world with it.

  • embrace your true self and be unapologetically you.

  • have an unwavering sense of self and unyielding confidence in who God designed you to be.

  • own your individuality, celebrating the beauty of your uniqueness, and never doubting your calling.

  • walk through life with a certainty that what you are called to do must be shared with the world.

  • live free from limitations and love yourself enough to live freely in Christ.

  • have an indomitable spirit that cannot be broken, and embrace your calling with boldness

A Powerful, New You in 3 Months

- The Connected Heart Project.

The Connected Heart Project is like having a Christian counselor, life coach and spiritual director sitting with you guiding you to a whole new life.

This is how you break free of your past and claim your future!

Are you ready for the life Christ has for you?

You may have been told that you are not enough. You may have also told this to yourself. I'm sorry you have believed that lie.

When Jesus looks at you He sees something very different. He has joy in His beloved - you. He believes in how He designed you and wants to empower you to live it out.

He has a hope and a future laid out before you and it is good. Do you want to claim it?

No matter what you have gone through. No matter how broken you may feel. Even if you see no way forward to a place where you feel at peace in yourself, have joy and are excited about life, it is just the old stage of life that is about to close.

For there is real life awaiting you. Where you love being who and how God designed you. Where you feel no internal limitations and the external, well that is an adventure calling you forward.

The Connected Heart Project is the path to a new life and you knowing that you are absolutely enough. This is how you change you, what you do and who you are.

  • We will heal your wounds from the past.

  • We will connect you into a love relationship with Christ that is sweeter and deeper than you could have imagined.

  • We will discover exactly how God designed you and plan out a future filled with purpose and passion.

  • We will discover exactly how to have healthy, life-giving relationships and set guilt-free boundaries that define and protect you.

Your Next Phase of Life

Maybe the next phase for you is after a divorce. You need to find yourself, create a new life and know what to do in it. You are starting over and feel overwhelmed and hurt.

Perhaps this next phase comes as the children have grown and you now have an empty nest, You feel lost and not sure what to do with yourself. Who are you now that the kids have gone?

You may have come out of a traumatic and abusive relationship and need to heal and rebuild yourself. You feel broken, confused, distrustful and alone.

Or it is time. Time for you to emerge, discover your calling and you are ready to build a life you will love.

Whatever has brought you to this next phase of life, this is your new starting point. Your next phase of life is one that you will absolutely love!

Be Encouraged

God has already planned out what He will do to love, prepare and empower you. You can heal. You will be whole and there is real freedom waiting for you.

I know how to get you from where you are now to a place you can barely imagine right now. I have worked with hundreds of women to rebuild their souls and claim their true lives in Christ.

Decide that this is the day when everything changes. Join me in the Connected Heart Project and take back your life!

There is a way back to yourself

Maybe you have forgotten who you are or maybe you have yet to meet and know yourself but the healed, whole and free you is there waiting. And, she is awesome!

The God-designed you is truly amazing, powerful, worth knowing and loving.

I'd love to help you to uncover and recover her.

No more apologies for being you. No needing to ask permission to be yourself.


Loved by God.

Connected to your heart and comfortable in your own skin.

If this sounds like your heart's desire then I know the way to get you there.

Inner Limitations Keep Us From Living Powerfully But...

You can break free from the past

The symptoms of this are evident:

Self-sabotage, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, people pleasing, shame, addiction, approval seeking, self-neglect, codependency and more.

Abuse, trauma and dysfunctional relationships leave scars on our souls that won't heal on their own. Add to this the trust issues that come with them and feeling whole and normal again can seem like a fantasy rather than a real possibility.

This doesn't have to be your life going forward.

Your broken heart can be reconnected

God excels in doing the impossible

Nothing is too difficult for God. He heals the brokenhearted and sets the captives free - completely, permanently and with restored joy.

You are not too broken. It is not too late. It can feel that you are in too many pieces, too confused, too uncertain of your next step. That is only a feeling. The truth is that real restoration is not only possible but is waiting for you. It matters that YOU regain yourself and love your life. You are worth it no matter what the voice in your head tells you.

A healed, whole and free you is yours when you are ready.

You can become equipped and empowered

I found it myself

Working together I can help you to be restored, confident and powerful. The hurt, the living from survival mode, the codependency and the disorganized thinking will turn to clarity, direction and being unapologetically a you that you love.

You will create a life that fits you, isn't dependent upon what anyone but God thinks and that is a true transformation into the woman of God you were always meant to be.

You are so worth reclaiming, celebrating and rising up.

You can also equip your life with Dr. Kim's eBooks...

Dr. Kim West

Life Transformation Specialist

For over two decades I have helped hundreds of women take back their lives from what pain and trauma and dysfunctional relationships have stolen from them.

My revolutionary counseling techniques are way outside of the ordinary and never fail to bring complete, permanent healing.

I have designed systems that are also far from the ordinary - they literally transform lives. My clients are set free from their past, empowered for today and equipped for an amazing tomorrow.

A Master of Divinity means that I have a rock solid theology and know how to apply the Word to your life.

A Doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling along with over two decades of working with trauma and abuse gives me all the training and knowledge needed to ensure your healing.

Writing, training, teaching and creating life transforming systems and programs over two decades means that you have access to whatever is needed to give you the life and success you desire.

Former clients are saying:

Let nothing hold YOU back


weekend breakthrough

The intensive therapy program has saved my life.

I am so blessed to continue to work with Kim through my therapy and couldn’t be anymore joyful after this last weekend. The intensive work that was put into one weekend saved my life. I found meaning and purpose and want to be alive. My love and understanding of God is so strong. I couldn’t be any more thankful during this time.


weekend breakthrough

I couldn’t have been more skeptical but I also couldn’t take the pain anymore.

I’d been in counseling before and it didn’t change anything. So, why would this weekend intensive thing work? Well, it did! I’m still stunned. Those memories that haunted me don’t bother me at all now. Instead, when I do think about them, and it isn’t often, I just feel the peace of Christ. I am forever grateful for what Dr. West has done for me. I am healed and free!


weekend breakthrough

The first time I heard myself laugh, really laugh, was after the Weekend Breakthrough.

Life is supposed to have joy, but my abuse had stolen my ability to experience it. Just one weekend and my life is completely different. I love that we also met weekly for the next two months after the weekend together so that I could learn how to live a healed life. I laugh a lot these days because God has completely healed me from the abuse.

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To stay in touch with Dr. Kim and receive her regular email newsletter and a weekly devotional, click the button below and fill out the opt-in form and I'll even send you a free eBook.

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